Monday, April 8, 2013


We will continue working on our research papers on Tuesday and Thursday in class.  By Thursday, students should have the first two pages ready to hand in.  THIS IS NOT YOUR FINAL DRAFT, NOR SHOULD TWO PAGES CONTAIN ALL OF YOUR ARGUMENTS!

On Wednesday and Friday, we will be working on dissecting poetry and writing poetry with strong imagery.  Be prepared to discuss allegory, metaphor, and the importance of symbolism in poetry.  Consider the idea, often touted, that "Less is More."

Finally, we will have a quiz on Count of Monte Cristo, Chapters 41-60.  A study guide for the latest ten chapters will be provided in class.  The quiz will be 20 questions, open book, and timed.  Make sure you read the material several times before the quiz so that you can find your information quickly and efficiently.  Bring an AR book to read in case you finish before I collect the quizzes.