Monday, August 25, 2008

Journals and Homework, Week 2

8/25 - How does Dantes differ from Abbe Faria? Is Faria a better or worse man than Dantes? In what ways?
HW: CMC pp 49-63
8/26 - Write 10-15 descriptive sentences. Write about Arizona in the winter, the smell of breakfast on Sunday morning, or whatever else strikes your fancy. Be certain to use lush details that appeal to all five of the senses.
HW: CMC pp 63-72
Return Permission Slip for The Count of Monte Cristo Movie
8/27 - Imagine you are a script writer. What scenes from the first few chapters of The Count of Monte Cristo would you cut; what scenes do you think would be crucial for the audience to understand the story? What characters, if any, would you cut? Justify your decisions.
8/28 - Free Write
HW: CMC 72-87
Choose a character or scene to write a descriptive essay about.
8/29 - Quote: "What you risk reveals what you value." - Jeanette Winterson. What does Dantes risk and how does it show what he treasures? What things do you value most highly and what would you be willing to sacrifice in order to preserve them?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Week 01 - Journals and Homework

Monday: Rules, Procedures, and Grading Policies
HW: CMC pages 1-7

Tuesday: Class Expectations: Write down your expectations for this class. Be specific. Talk about what activities you would like to do and how they would help to further your understanding of class themes and information. Discuss what you believe your role should be as an active participant in your own education. Describe your responsibilities to yourself, your class, and your teacher. Express what you believe your teacher's duties are to you and your class, and how you see them being best met and fulfilled.
HW: CMC pages 7-17
Wednesday: Novel Reading: At this point, you should begin to have an understanding of what the central theme of this novel is. Briefly describe the setting of the novel and the characters you've met so far. Identify a central theme and talk about how the young man, Dantes, relates to it.
HW: CMC pages 17-35
Thursday: Quote: "False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil." --Plato (427 BC-347 BC), Dialogues, Phaedo. Discuss how the quote relates to Dantes's experiences and beliefs about life. In what way will Dantes become corrupted by the deceits of his betrayers?
HW: CMC pages 35-48
Friday: Free Write